Monday, 15 July 2013

Russian Doll Pockets: Print-and-Cut!

Papercraft Matryoshka: nested paper pockets.
The flip side is patterned, too!
The printout looks like this.

You guys are my guinea pigs. I'm learning how to create prints and patterns on the computer - early days, training wheels. These Russian Doll Pockets were the ideal project to try out some mixed ditsy prints on. 

This is a fun project to make whether you are entertaining a bored child over the summer break, or are getting an extreme headstart on festive decorations.

Here are your free print-and-cut files:

To make the Russian Doll Pockets: 
1. Cut out the template pieces, either by hand or by digital cutter. 
2. Fold the pocket flaps to the back. Align the folds with the base of the
matching Russian Doll. Glue the pocket flaps to the doll back.
3.With wrong sides facing, glue the doll backs to the doll fronts, matching corresponding doll sizes (of course). Finished.
4. Slip the dolls into the pockets and nest the dolls.

Have fun!



  1. Thanks for sharing! I hope you don't mind I wrote a post on my blog!

  2. is there anyway you could re-upload the templates? the dropbox link is dead.

  3. These are so cute! Hoping you can re-load the templates!!

  4. I really hope the templates will be re uploaded. I really would like to use these with the children I work with.

  5. Still a dead link. Please remove it or replace it with a live link. Thank you.
